Sunday, May 6, 2012

It's About So Much More Than Us...

The Lord dropped this into my spirit last month and again yesterday.  I can tell you my understanding of it last month was limited.  Today I think I'm finally getting what the Lord meant.
Here's the deal.  This blog originally started out to be about our Journey to Jacksonville and it still is in a way.  But I'm no longer in Jacksonville.  I'm now in NYC.  We did end up in Jacksonville on March 8th.  Completely following the leading of the Lord.  After 3 weeks Roger got a job and it appeared that things were moving forward.  But the same night he started working our hotel room was robbed.  Our laptop, phone, wallets, drivers license, debit card and check books were all taken.  Roger had to take off the next day for us to close bank accounts and for another meeting with the Sheriff's dept.  Because of that day off he lost his job.
We stayed in FL for another 4 weeks after this event but nothing else worked out and we had to head back to NYC. This would be the devastating thing you heard me speak of last month.  But here's the deal.  While I don't understand it all.  I know our family is called to FL.  We've already been shown and have met the people we will be in ministry with once we are permanently there.  But it's all in God's time.  Do I trust His timing?  
Now I have a choice to make.  I could choose to be bitter and angry and feel like the Lord let me down and I quit my job and uprooted my family for nothing.  Or I can choose to believe that all of this is part of a bigger plan that I don't understand.  But it's for good. And it's not just about me anyway.
Our lives are not to be lived just for us.  What if we lived our lives for what we could be for someone else in the kingdom of God.  This is what I mean.  The experiences that I have in this life can you be used to benefit someone else's for the kingdom.  What if I lived my life in a way that said Yes God, whatever you want, where ever you want to place me,  how ever you want to use me, I'm yours.  What could He truly do with me?  We get so caught up in things being about us.  My ministry, my calling, my purpose, my role, my title, my personality type.  But what if instead we just said God you know better than I do and I want all that you desire for me in this life.  So place me where you want me so that I can learn what ever it is that you desire to teach me.  Do we trust that He knows us and do we trust that He knows all things, better than we do?  So why do we limit Him?
We limit Him when we say I'm not good with kids so I can't work with the youth.  When we talk about our inability to do something because we are just not wired that way.  When we limit God's ability to teach us our full potential in His power, because of our flawed understanding of who we are and are meant to be.  Or when we choose to allow offenses to hinder our growth in Him, instead of guarding our hearts and trusting God allowed even this for good.  If it doesn't feel comfortable, make sense or come in a package that we are used to, then we say that's just not how God made me or that's just not my personality/strength.  And in doing so limit God's stretching, teaching and use of us?  The next time something is suggested for you to do or not do, don't automatically dismiss it or take offense to it.  It could be the Lord stretching you and introducing you to a you, you never thought possible.
We say that we want God to blow our minds.  But turn around and in the same breath say, "no that can't be God," because He would never ask me to be that uncomfortable.  I would go out of my mind if I had to do such and such.  Or you could end up touching the life of a person that was about to end it all and because you humbled yourself and allowed yourself to be at the right place at the right time God was able to use you.  
So ask yourself...are you truly willing to do what it takes to be completely used by God??  Because this life is about so much more than us.


  1. your post is great to have that clear revelation about life even when life is difficult (HUGS)

  2. Thanks girlie. That means a lot. Keep commenting. I love to hear what people are thinking or getting out of the post. Love you guys.
