Saturday, May 19, 2012

Love'em While We Got'em...

So last night I had a slumber party.  Yes a 34 yr. woman can still have a slumber party.  It was with my mother and my 78 yr old grandmother who was diagnosed with cancer in 2008.  According to her doctors it's a miracle that she is even still here.  Most people with her type of cancer at her age do not survive as long as she has.  She is currently 76 lbs and growing by the grace of God.  If God brought us back from FL for this time, just for last night alone, it was so worth it.  This is what made me decide to write about this today.  I lived in TN for 13 yrs.  My grandmother and I have always been very very close.  I often refer to her as my heart.  I adore her.  But it hasn't been easy seeing her diminish after her cancer diagnosis in 2008.  
My grandmother before diagnosis was a spunky, 135 lbs, 5'2" little spitfire.  There is no one in my family that has made me laugh like her.  She has a no holds barred personality that I have always loved.  As the cancer progressed her voice changed and it became harder for her to speak on the phone.  So we didn't talk as much.  Eventually not talking as much became part of the norm.  My mom updated me if there was anything urgent going on. I would also call her directly on occasion.  None of this was intentional.  The closeness of our relationship just kind of changed over time.
Eventually her 135 lb frame went down to the 70's even 60's at one point.  Her heavy raspy voice became a high pitched whisper.  The one who had always prayed, hoped and believed and encouraged me to do the same, did not have that same exuberance anymore.   This wasn't the grandma that I remembered.  I think when you are away from the reality of a situation it's a little easier to not face it or be affected by it.  I think that's what I did.  I did not face it and just went on with life as normal.
I'm so glad the Lord did not let me miss this.  She's still here and now I'm here.  I am determined to love her while I've still got her.  I thank God that I did not miss this time.  I thank God that He knew me better than I knew myself and stopped me.  He knew if I did not take the time to stop life and love on her, I would have ached if never getting the chance.
I wanted to write this today and be open and honest as I try to in all my post.  I wanted to encourage somebody to not let an opportunity pass you by.  Whether it's a situation like my grandmothers or a relative or friend healthy, happy and safe at home, Love'em while you Got'em.  We take the people in our life for granted sometime.  They've always been there and they are just a part of our norm.  I want more than that.  I want the unforgettable slumber party that goes on till 3 in the morning.  I want the unforgettable laughs.  I want the memory of my grandmother looking at me and telling me 4 times before I said goodbye that she was so so glad that I was back and that we had this time.  I want that.  I want more and If we take the time to love more I believe the Lord will honor that with some of the best memories we could have ever thought possible.
Love'em While You Got'em...


  1. That's my family. I love you guys!

  2. Beautiful family. Inside and out. Can see the love of Jesus in each smile. 4 generations in one photo. Not many get that. 4 generations of strong, beautiful, Jesus loving women. Love it.

  3. I know what you mean, when we traveled back to the east coast we spent two days in Missouri with my aunt and uncle. I hated leaving. I am glad we spent that time with them. Dear times to treasure precious rare gifts.
