Saturday, May 26, 2012

Put Down the Worry Wand...

Philippians 4:19 - And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

I just need to give God praise in my blog post today.  I hope this encourages you to know how much in the palm of His hand you are.

If you've been reading this blog from the start you know this journey started with a physical move to Jacksonville, FL. you know that it's been a journey of faith and that Jacksonville was an outward manifestation of an inward journey that we are still very much on.  Even though we were in Jacksonville for 2 mos. and then the Lord brought us back to NY because of events beyond our control (we were robbed), we are still very much on the journey to Jacksonville and what Jacksonville represents to us personally according to what the Lord has shown us.  But that is not for today.  That's another post for another day.  Today I want to give God all my praise.  

Roger and I both have been unemployed since the end of January.  He had brief employment in J'ville in March.  But you know that was lost due to us being robbed.  I'm writing about this today because we had something happen yesterday  that was truly awesome and it made me realize that our family, even in these tough economic times, have wanted for nothing.  God has provided every step of the way.

Here's what happened.  This week financially things have kind of hit a low.  Nothing terrible.  It's just the type of thing where you feel the squeeze a little bit.  Anyway, praise God, Roger was hired to start a job this Saturday (Today).  By Thursday morning we realized we had no gas and no money to get any gas for him to get to work.  We also were suppose to be at church Thursday night.  In obedience to the Lord we drove to church Thursday night on E trusting he would provide.  You can see from my previous post we would have missed out on something amazing had we not been obedient.  We got to and from church with no problem.  According to His riches in Glory...

So that brings us to Friday.  Roger is due to start work Saturday and we still have no gas and no money for gas.  But if you would have seen us on Friday.  Even those who saw us at church on Thursday, you would have never known.  We've seen God's hand of provision over our family.  It came down to this.  If God provided this job for Roger, He would provide a way for Roger to get there.  Once we said that we never spoke about it again.  We just rested in the Truth that is our God.

Yesterday afternoon Roger received a phone call asking him to come downstairs because it was important.  He went down and when he came back up he handed me a card that was given to him.  The card read as follows:

Dear Sharkiesha and Roger
This has been on my heart now for a while, to sow more than words into your life.  I didn't know the form at first, it would take.  Then when I did, I didn't know the amount it would be.  Then when I did, I didn't know when.  But as I waited on the Lord He just kept revealing one step after another until it was done.  And so my children in Christ, I will sow $50 a month for gas.  I know this will help you and Roger in doing and getting to the place where you need to be.

There was more, but that's just for our family.  There was also $50.  When I called to say thank you and share what they had just done for our family, what I heard back was so awesome and why I had to write this today.  I was told " See what the Lord does when you choose to put down the worry wand and just trust."  It hit me once that was said that this was different.  When we received the money, I did not have this sensation of a load being taken off.  I did not feel that sigh of relief or like a burden had just been lifted.  It was different.  I felt like I finally understood an attitude of expectation.  Philippians 4:19 - And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.  We expected for God to come through if this was His will for our lives.  So why worry.  We've learned in this journey to surrender it all to Him.  If it's for us it will be.  If it's not something better is in store.  So what's the point in fretting.

I wanted to share this with you today first and foremost to give God all the glory because He is so so worthy.  But then I also wanted to encourage you. Cast all your care upon Him, because He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7).  He truly does.  He's aware of your every need.  He knows your needs better than you do.  So completely release whatever it is to Him.  Trust the one who knows the plans He has for you and says they are to prosper you and not harm you.  They are to give you a future and a Hope (Jeremiah 29:11).  Hold on to every part of that verse.  Don't lose Hope.  Psalm 37:25 tells us that the righteous will never be forsaken, not his descendants begging bread.  So choose Hope and Peace and...

Put Down the Worry Wand...

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