Thursday, May 24, 2012

Let My Life Be the Proof...

So I said in my last blog post that I would probably have more to say about understanding that we are a spirit in a body as opposed to vice versa.  I honestly believe that the Lord is going to be revealing more and more about this in the days to come,  because it's rocked my world.

I'll give you an example.  Tonight we had prayer at church.  I honestly did not feel like going.  After school with the girls and house work I was just worn out.  But I had not felt that way until the only thing left for me to do for the day was to go to church.  I had been alert and awake  all day until it was time to go to church.  I went back and forth in my head about whether I should go or stay home.  Did my spirit need rest or to be refreshed?  This is a new way of questioning for me since the Lord speaking about us being spirit first.  I decided to go with refreshed and not to give in to the fatigue of my body.  I'm so glad I did.  

It was rough getting out of the door.  Attitudes started rising up among our family.  Complaints started happening.  Roger looked at me and said "If the enemy is making it this hard for us just to get there, I wonder what awaits tonight."  We got in the car and that's when everything was different.  

You know how us Christians will say look with your spiritual eyes, not your natural eyes.  Or when confronted by a negative person someone will say don't look at the person, look at the spirit behind the person.  Well when you don't live you life spirit first, what does any of that mean?  Today I rode to church and it hit me that all of us, believer and unbeliever are spirit first.  The unbeliever's spirit just currently resides in a rebellious body.  I was so deeply saddened by this that when I got to church it was all I could feel.  I was grieved within my spirit.  There was no plan for me to speak at church but the Lord had a different plan.  He had a sister ask me if I had anything to share and this is what  ended up coming forth tonight within our group.

My spirit ached for the other spirits out there held captive in an unbelieving vessel.  If you see yourself and others as spirit first, it changes your perspective on being a witness.  It gives you the ability to be an effective witness.  Because you then see how our battle is not against flesh and blood.  When the Lord leads you into an opportunity to witness, console, love on or forgive, you have a better understanding of how to do so correctly because you are dealing with the spirit of that person.  That's what responds.  That's why we have to be sensitive and obedient to the spirit.  Because these moments are so important.

Living a life where the spirit is in charge does cause a difference in you.  I think that's why when the world looks at us currently they no longer see much of a difference.  We've got to get this right.  We've got to become kingdom minded people again.  Do we really desire for God to be first and all that comes with that choice?  I'm not talking about  the looking perfect, make sure your always in your Sunday best, Squeaky clean image, never seen without a smile fake kind of stuff.  I'm talking about genuine love, genuine compassion, genuine joy, unwavering obedience and serving. When you live in the spirit and the spirit is truly in control this just flows.  
I'm tired of being a christian with no power.  I'm tired of get caught up in the things of this fallen world.  I'm tired of choosing this place everyday as my home when the bible tells me it's not.  I'm tired of accepting the lies of the enemy about who I am because I'm comparing myself to so and so and so and so.  I'm tired of my mind wreaking havoc on my life.  I'm making a choice to live who I AM.  Spirit first.  It's a new day.  A new mind set.  I love the Lord with every ounce of my being.  I am who He says I am.  It's time to get back to basics.  Learn the word, Search the word.  See what He says about life in the spirit and  decide to follow.  It's time for the world to see a difference in us and start desiring what we've got instead of us desiring what they've got.

Let Our Lives Be the Proof...

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