Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Let'em Off the Hook...

Relationships!  We've all got them.  We all struggle with them.  Whether it's a boyfriend or girlfriend, Mom or Dad, Sibling, Spouse, Children.  We struggle.

Compromise!  Compromise is one of those words that none of us like to hear when it's in reference to us having to do so.  Oh we'll whip it out in regards to someone else's life.  But don't say it in reference to mine.

Understanding!  Understanding is tricky.  Because we will allow for understanding in certain circumstances.  But when we've been hurt or emotionally challenged.  All attempts at understanding go out the window.

Since being back in NY I've had many relationships reintroduced back into my life that used to not be so close.  And by so close I mean so involved.  So there.  So in your face. Some relationships were already challenging even when at a distance.  So when the Lord chooses to now make them front and center again, I pay attention.  One of the things I've learned with having many relationships come, go and then come again, is that when the Lord takes them away or brings them back it's for a reason.  It's for a purpose.  It's all for your benefit and for His glory, if you'll let Him show you.

Since being back in NYC I've also learned some other things as well.  I've learned to look deeper than the surface.  I've learned that even in the most challenging of relationships you've got that relationship to teach you something.  Now I'm not talking about abusive or harmful relationships of that nature.  I am thankful to never have encountered such.  So I would never attempt to speak towards that.  But I have had my share of relational challenges to overcome.

I've also learned that there's always a story and that there's always more to the story.  I've learned not to respond or take things at face value.  Go deeper.

In this time back in the NYC, I've had an opportunity to work on relationships that have challenged me most of my adult life.  One of the things that I've learned is I'm not the only one that's hurt.  You know the old saying "hurt people hurt people".  It's true.  But we need to go deeper in that saying.

Someone very close to me said something to me this past week that made me realize something.  Even in the relationships that have been the most challenging to me, the person was giving me the best that they knew to give.  Wow!!  That one phrase was like the final puzzle piece for me.

See I'm not the only one that's been hurt.  Other's have as well and even though they may be aware that they were hurt all they can give to others is a better attempt at what they received.  And that better attempt is the love, is the care, is the relationship.

It's helped me understand so much more.  It's made me take a look at all my relationships that I've struggled with and it's liberated me from having to make sense of why they didn't respond to me how I thought they should.  It's freedom and I know it's just going to get better going forward.

So this this week in the spirit of Thanksgiving and a heart of understanding do those relationships a favor and...

Let'em Off the Hook!

1 comment:

  1. Going deeper than the surface, requires us to look beyond a persons faults and see the need. This is what our Savior did for us and we must do the same for others. Your post is a reminder of this. Thank you.
