Sunday, May 8, 2016

Simply a Mother's...Day

My mother's day went very different than I thought it would. Mother's Day started at 12 am sitting up with my oldest child not feeling well.  Shortly after taking her place on the couch and me on the love seat she looked over at me with a weak smile and said "Happy Mother's Day".  We proceeded to sit there for another 3-4 hours until she finally felt well enough to be on her own and try to sleep.  

As I climbed in bed I realized it would probably be a few short hours before my youngest would be coming in the room to surprise me with her Mother's Day act of kindness.  I found myself hoping for her to sleep a little longer so that I could too.  The day before she had woken me up early in the morning out of sheer excitement of friends coming over for the day.  She did not know, just like tonight,  I had not closed my eyes till about 3:30 am, and was ever so exhausted.  But her excitement was infectious and she got me up and out to prepare for company.  

Sure enough 8:30 this morning (4 hours after climbing in bed), there's a knock at my bedroom door. My husband and I barely get out a half alert "yes"  before there's another knock followed by a sweet voice saying "Can I come in?"  "Yes baby!" I say with all the exhaustion of the lack of sleep over the last 48 hours resonating in my voice.

As I sit up, I see this bright beautiful smile walking in holding a tray of breakfast goodies and a handmade Mother's Day card.  While looking at the face of one who has enjoyed a full night's sleep, I find myself thinking "Ugh, I just want to sleep."  And with that same thought in mind I say "Baby, I'm really not hungry right now, but thank you."  Her smile faded and a look of confusion started to come on her face.  And then I caught myself.  "This is a precious moment I thought. These years go by too fast. Sleep will be there tonight, but this moment will not and you will have missed it.  BE IN IT!!! It's worth it!  She's worth it!   BE IN IT!!" I looked at her face and sat up and with a sleepy smile on my face said "Thank you baby. You did this for me?"  Her smile returned and she proceeded with her Mother's Day gifts, followed by hugs and kisses.

I won't lie, I secretly was still hoping for a few more hours of sleep after breakfast, but to no avail. My little one continued on "gifting me" with turning on one of my favorite tv shows and climbing in the bed with me.  While her head rested on my stomach and I started rubbing her head and playing with her hair, I found myself thinking about the last 12 hours.  Sitting up with my oldest, getting a few hours sleep and now breakfast and snuggle time with my youngest. I found myself feeling this was the best mother's day.  The last 9 hours had been a summary of Motherhood. For Mother's Day I got to be mom and the joy and satisfaction that filled my heart overwhelmed me.  The day could have ended there and I would have felt complete and fulfilled.  

I'm thankful for this moment today.  Too many times they get lost in the hustle and bustle of the day. I can take for granted that I'm Mom and that my kids look at me to be exactly that.  Their mom! To be there to comfort when they are sick.  To be there with a smile on my face when they want to bless me and love on me. To be in "their" moments whole heartedly because I want to be, and desire to be. Not because I'm obligated to be.  Because they can tell the difference.

Today was the best Mother's Day ever.  Going forward I seek to have the best days of being a mother ever and living in the moment with these kiddo's for as long as I'm allowed.  Because before you know it, they've grown up and it seems all too soon.  But thank God for the moments.  Live in them, Enjoy them, Embrace them!

Happy Mother's Day Ladies! 

1 comment:

  1. Spirit lead word. A Servant Mother, because " YOU WANT TO" not because your obligated.
